Most year-round elementary schools to retain schedules

Declining enrollment in the Clark County School District is making it possible for 21 year-round elementary schools to revert to nine-month calendars next year, but the School Board on Friday rejected a policy change that would have allowed all 76 year-round schools to go to nine-month schedules.

Las Vegas officer remains critical after another surgery

Las Vegas police officer Michael Madland is recovering from additional surgery Thursday afternoon but remains in critical condition, police said Friday morning.

Hearing delayed for suspect in police shooting

The man arrested after a Las Vegas police officer was shot earlier this week appeared in Las Vegas Justice Court Friday only to have his hearing delayed.

California pot vote isn’t just hippies vs. cops

SAN FRANCISCO — Now that a proposal to legalize pot is on the ballot in California, well-organized groups are lining up on both sides of the debate. And it’s not just tie-dyed hippies versus anti-drug crusaders.