Man wanted in sexual assault in northwest valley

Las Vegas police are looking for a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman and her juvenile daughter in the northwest valley Tuesday.

‘Demanding’ letter prompts more security at state Capitol

CARSON CITY — A metal detector was installed Wednesday at the main entrance to the state Capitol after Gov. Jim Gibbons received a “demanding letter” from an organization ordering him to resign.

Nevada gaming stocks improve

The fortunes of Nevada’s publicly traded gaming stocks showed improvements in March.
Just two of the 10 businesses followed in the Applied Analysis Gaming Index showed declines in average daily stock prices in the month.

To scientists, laughter is no joke — it’s serious

WASHINGTON — So a scientist walks into a shopping mall to watch people laugh. There’s no punchline. Laughter is a serious scientific subject, one that researchers are still trying to figure out. Laughing is primal, our first way of communicating. Apes laugh. So do dogs and rats. Babies laugh long before they speak. No one teaches you how to laugh. You just do.

Palin’s show drops LL Cool J after he complains

NEW YORK — An upcoming Fox News Channel special hosted by Sarah Palin is titled “Real American Stories.” But rapper-actor LL Cool J says his participation in the show was bogus. In response, the network has snipped him from the program.

`Dancing With the Stars’ dismisses its first celeb

LOS ANGELES — After two weeks on “Dancing With the Stars,” Shannen Doherty is leaving the ballroom. The actress was the first celebrity eliminated from the new season of the hit ABC show. She and professional partner Mark Ballas were axed during Tuesday’s episode.

Jesse James seeks professional help in wake of cheating scandal

LOS ANGELES — Jesse James reportedly is seeking professional help to deal with “personal issues” after a cheating scandal that has put his nearly five-year marriage to Sandra Bullock on the line. His representative told People magazine in a statement Tuesday that James “realized that this time was crucial to help himself, help his family and help save his marriage.”