RJtv: Ensign speaks to the R-J and MTV’s “Spring Break” in Las Vegas

RJtv for Wednesday is online now at www.lvrj.com/rjtv, featuring Nevada’s lame-duck U.S. senator sitting down to talk with the Review-Journal’s Washington Bureau chief about his decision not to seek re-election. RJtv fills you in on talk of a toll road around Boulder City, and you’ll see photos from MTV’s “Spring Break” being recorded at George Maloof’s Palms Hotel. These stories and more, all just a click away at lvrj.com/rjtv – and don’t forget our iPhone-friendly version at www.lvrj.com/rjtvip.

Police seek help in $500,000 jewelry theft

A man walked into a jewelry store in the northwest valley Saturday evening and left the business with $500,000 in “large diamonds,” Las Vegas police said Tuesday. Police released a photo of the suspect in hopes of identifying him.

Gold Coast moves poker room to The Orleans

The poker room at the Gold Coast has been closed and its business transferred to The Orleans, a company spokesman confirmed Tuesday.

Tips to navigate the road in a spring downpour

Spring is in the air, which means the air gets warmer, the grass gets greener and leaves sprout on trees. Unfortunately, spring also can mean heavy rains that make any drive – short or long – extremely challenging.

Spring health tips for smart parents

Spring has arrived and as the sun warms each day, you are spending more time outdoors with your children. It’s a wonderful idea to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air and outdoor playtime, but it’s also important to keep spring safety topics in mind so your family is protected.

Five great uses for high-speed Internet in rural areas

It might seem to a lot of tech-hungry Americans who live in rural areas that advancements in technology are slow to reach them. The good news is that this trend seems to be slowly changing thanks to some high-speed satellite Internet providers.

Create rainy day fun with kids in the kitchen

The rainy weather during the spring months can often keep your children cooped up indoors, begging for entertainment. Instead of spending the afternoon watching a movie or playing video games, invite your kids into the kitchen to help whip up a delicious meal that doubles as playtime. Cooking with your kids is a great way to introduce them to basic math, chemistry, different cultures and foods, and more – no matter how young they are. Best of all, it can be both fun and rewarding, especially when your kids proudly pass around their creative dish to share with friends and family members.

Angry on the road? Tips to avoid rage behind the wheel

How many times have you gripped the steering wheel in anger when a driver cuts you off? Or honked the horn to get the attention of someone drifting into your lane because he’s too busy fumbling with a mobile phone or the radio to pay attention?

Eight job searching tips for today’s job seeker

With the national economy still struggling to recover and the employment outlook only inching toward improvement, finding a job continues to be a challenge for many, including recent college graduates. College graduates and others seeking new job opportunities should consider this advice when starting their search.

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