1,500 Deodorant Sticks: When Couponers Go to Extremes

Extreme coupon shopping is much in the news. After the first installment of the new TLC series “Extreme Couponing” aired early this month, my in box quickly filled. Here’s a sample:

Spreading Green

A gorgeous local-quarried granite countertop. Bamboo floors that didn’t destroy a tropical forest. A xeriscape of drought-tolerant plants that don’t guzzle water. All are green-home features that don’t just offer visual appeal but should be among the tipping points for sellers to sway potential buyers to their home versus another.

Ask Our Broker: Under, and Looking Lower

I want to take advantage of today’s lower interest rates, but regardless of whom I speak with no one will talk to me once I mention that I have lender paid mortgage insurance. I have a principal balance of $217,0000; the property is worth roughly $180,000, and I expect to keep owning the property for at least several years. Got any suggestions? Or is the lender paid mortgage insurance truly a deal-breaker?

Mortgages: FHA MIP Takes a Hike

The Federal Housing Administration wants to stay flush. One step it’s taking is increasing its annual mortgage insurance premium by 25 basis points on 30-year and 15-year mortgages. The change takes effect April 18.

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