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‘Sirens of TI’ cast enjoys camaraderie

The “Sirens of TI” show at Treasure Island features everything a viewer could want in a production show: dancing, music, fighting, sexy costumes and fire.

‘Down Under’ men work hard to stay in shape

Clint Scott’s body is a temple — a 5-foot 10-inch, bronzed, hard, muscular temple – where hundreds of women worship each week.

Author chronicles deception in Las Vegas

Rick Lax spreads a deck of 52 cards across a table in the patio area of a west valley bagel restaurant and tells his visitor to pick a card.

Fountains of Bellagio continue to amaze visitors

A crowd of people gathers at the Bellagio lake’s edge, watching as a spherical puff of white fog rises above the surface, dissipating quickly in the afternoon sun.