UK officials may take four obese kids into custody

Scottish officials say they may take four heavy children away from their parents after warnings to help their kids trim down have apparently failed.

2 Mexicans deny terrorism, face 30 years for tweet

A former teacher turned radio commentator and a math tutor are imprisoned in southern Mexico, facing possible 30-year sentences for terrorism and sabotage for relaying false reports of an attack on schools.

Headaches, dizziness vanish after innovative aneurysm surgery

Two years ago the symptoms first hit. Headaches pounded her to tears. Dizziness dropped her to her knees. They would come and go, but happened enough to send the then-77-year-old Mabelle “Mickey” Wiedeman, who generally chalked up her aches and pains to old age, to the doctor.

In Brief


Labor Day

Henderson Symphony Orchestra celebrates 25 years

Members of the Henderson Symphony Orchestra share a lot, including a love for classical music, a deep respect for their conductor, and that need to perform before live audiences.

Police battle marijuana grow houses in Las Vegas area

SCORE is a police task force dedicated to ridding the valley of a budding problem — marijuana grow houses, which have tripled in the valley in the last four years.

September 2011
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