Trickery fuels Foothill rally

With his offense struggling early in the second half Friday, Foothill High coach Martin Redmond decided it was time to gamble with his special teams.

Police investigating slaying at northeast valley home

Las Vegas police are investigating a slaying at a northeast valley home Friday night. Lt. David Jacoby said police were called to the home on the 5000 block of Nellis Oasis Lane, near Nellis Boulevard and Cheyenne Avenue, at 7:22 p.m.

Murder suspect served time in juvenile facility for Centennial assault

Javier Righetti, charged with murder in the brutal rape and killing of 15-year-old Alyssa Otremba, was expelled from Centennial High after a 2009 assault and was sentenced to one year at the juvenile prison in Caliente.

Palms, consultant at odds over efficiency report

How much value does the Palms find in value pricing? Very little, in the view of an efficiency expert who worked on site for much of this year.

Caesars, foundation donate $750,00 to education group

Music teacher Scott Taflin regularly peruses the aisles of gently used school supplies available at the Public Education Foundation’s Teacher Exchange center.

County accuses union of stalling contract talks

Clark County has accused its employee union of dragging its feet in efforts to hammer out a new collective bargaining agreement, which expired June 30 amid one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history.

Irene deals nasty blow to Atlantic City casinos

ATLANTIC CITY — Hurricane Irene blew away a historic chunk of the Atlantic City casinos’ revenue last month: The nearly 20 percent decline was the biggest monthly plunge in the 33-year history of the nation’s second-largest gambling market.

Former referee opens boxing gym

How would you like to get in the boxing ring for 12 rounds with the greats at their peak — Mike Tyson, Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler? Richard Steele has done it time and again. Not as an opponent but as the fight’s referee, something he did for roughly 30 years.

Create your own experience as you age

I’m excited to share my expertise as well as my journey with you in this column as I begin the evolution into my prime years. Although I bring an enthusiastic attitude, a strong will and a youthful mind-set, with many years of competitive sports and active living, I also suffer from the physical aches and pains from old sports injuries and arthritis.

Las Vegas resident and Army veteran shares his story of World War II

Still in his pajamas, he scaled an outer wall of the barracks as a plane slowly flew by — it was so low the 25-year-old Army soldier could see the pilot’s face. Beneath the wings, smoke spewed out of the machine guns’ barrels aimed straight at him. Aside from the tattered discharge certificate he keeps folded away, he has no pictures, no mementos from his decades-old Army days. He doesn’t need anything to recall the details of that scene — Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

Prime View Briefs

Learn more about upcoming events such as the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open and the Family History Jamboree in this month’s Prime View Briefs.

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