In Brief


For motorists, delaying car care is a costly decision

Drivers count on their vehicles to get them to their destinations safely, but how well a vehicle runs depends on how much effort motorists put into protecting their investment in their cars.

Why your beauty routine should go beyond one bottle

The radiance of youthful skin is something that everyone is lucky enough to have at some point. But as the years pass, that nature-given glow tends to dull and slacken, leaving most people searching for a way to recapture that look. The booming cosmetic and skincare business produces plenty of one-jar wonders that promise radical results, but many of them don’t deliver. Dermatology experts know, however, that taking a broader approach to caring for your skin is the optimal way to get results.

Secrets of safe sleep: What parents need to know before putting baby to bed

When a baby arrives in your home, the world changes. Even after the months of preparation and planning for the little one’s arrival, the love a parent feels is stronger than could have been imagined – and so is the protective instinct. Giving your baby the finest of everything and keeping her safe are the top priorities for parents, but the gap between what seems like the right thing to do and what will actually be best for your child can be wide.

Charm to spare: Holland cruises show you another side of a favorite destination

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, but sometimes a high-speed, multi-country tour can leave travelers feeling harried. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for the moving-too-fast syndrome: sitting back and gliding along the rivers through some of Europe’s most charming destinations on Holland cruises. Also known as the Netherlands, this must-see country offers equally rich sightseeing in its cities and its rural landscapes. With the leisurely pace of a river cruise, you’ll be able to experience it all.

Supply-Side Strategies

The law of supply and demand is so basic to economics that even a kid running a lemonade stand gets the concept: More buyers vying for limited inventory pushes prices up.

Agents: What is Their Role?

In your comments regarding strategic walkaways you say that a contract is a contract, the collateral is the property, and if a borrower does not pay, the lender can get back the house. What has been the role of real estate brokers and salespeople in the mortgage meltdown?

The Steps to Affordability

The NAHB’s Housing Affordability Pyramid offers a look at how many U.S. households can afford homes in various price ranges