Las Vegas man counts blessings as he manages ALS

Rob Dorinson isn’t letting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease, stop him from living a rich, varied, active life.

Patients’ trust still matters to Las Vegas doctor

Even after 30 years as a physician – Dr. Marietta Nelson now runs The Eye Clinic of Las Vegas – she finds the doctor-patient relationship awe-inspiring.
Never, she says, can she take lightly that someone entrusts his own or his child’s well-being to her.

If pecs are your exercise pick, be sure to use a spotter

It’s Monday, and you know what that means. It’s international chest day in the gym!
Guys tend to do their favorite routines on the first day of the week, and the bench press is ranked up there with arm and abs exercises.

HEALTH Q&A: Head lice

Q Are head lice becoming resistant to medications?

Motorcyclists join Green Berets in early Memorial Day ceremony

The roar of more than 1,000 motorcycles drowned out the sorrowful sounds of taps on Sunday during a special and somber ceremony by Nevada’s Green Berets at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery.

Electrical fire damages Las Vegas home

An electrical fire caused about $100,000 in damage to a home Sunday afternoon, according to the Las Vegas Fire Department.

Romney to stump in Las Vegas on Tuesday

Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, will be in Las Vegas on Tuesday speaking to press in the afternoon and collecting campaign contributions in the evening at an event hosted by Donald Trump, who officially endorsed Romney in February.

Video captures plane before crash that killed four men in Utah

Security video captured a small plane taking off from a southern Utah airport just before it crashed about 300 yards from the runway, killing all four men aboard, a federal investigator said Sunday.

Nevada’s richest list includes many with casino ties

In the age of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement amidst reverberating cries of the “99 percent versus the 1 percent,” one has to wonder whether inclusion on the annual Forbes 400 list of the Richest People in America is actually a good thing.

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