Wranglers foiled in overtime

The ECHL’s playoff leader with four game-winning goals, including two in overtime, Wranglers left wing Eric Lampe appeared poised to play the role of hero again Friday night in Florida.

Save money and help the environment by checking on your water quality

Nearly 90 percent of American homes have hard water – water containing high levels of calcium and magnesium, according to The U.S. Geological Survey. If your shampoo and soap don’t lather up like they should, if you see scaling on your pipes and showerheads or if you have nasty brown rings in your sinks and toilets, your water is probably hard. To know exactly how hard, and what to do about it, you should have your water diagnosed by a water quality professional.

Keeping informed and educated about your health

A diagnosis of cancer can be extremely frightening. Along with the battery of medical tests, patients are often faced with an overwhelming amount of information to absorb, covering everything from disease information, treatment decisions to financial implications. This fear of the “unknown” is often the worst part of any cancer diagnosis. In order to cope, patients often rely heavily on their doctors and support groups to help them translate the enormous amount of medical information into language that makes sense and is most relevant to them and their personal cancer journey.

Seven signs you may be experiencing hearing loss

Have you ever had a family member or coworker suggest you may be experiencing a problem hearing? Sure, sometimes your friends might joke about a missed conversation – especially if you weren’t paying attention. But if the comments are happening more frequently, and not in a jovial manner, your friends and family may be trying to tell you something is wrong.

Look up to spectacular ceilings in a basement remodel

Finishing a basement is an ideal way to expand your living space without expanding your house. Since your basement already has the basics of a room in place – walls, floor, ceiling – it doesn’t take a lot of time, effort or money to turn that generally unused space into something functional and enjoyable for your family.

Six apps to help bring out the photographer in you

With cameras built into smartphones and tablet computers, it’s easier than ever to take photos wherever you are and whenever you want. There are also more photography-related apps – or software applications for mobile devices – to help edit, improve, share or store these pictures. Here are some top apps you must know about.