Police arrest man in North Las Vegas stabbings

An estranged husband stabbed his wife and 15-year-old son before turning the knife on himself in a suicide attempt, North Las Vegas police said.

Augmon turns down NBA’s Bobcats, remains assistant at UNLV

After briefly flirting with a return to the NBA, Stacey Augmon reaffirmed his commitment to the UNLV coaching staff. Augmon recently turned down an offer to join new Charlotte Bobcats coach Mike Dunlap’s staff and is expected to stay for a second year under Rebels coach Dave Rice.

Major goal in front of Scott

The ball tumbled over the edge of a pot bunker and appeared to put Adam Scott in the worst spot he’d been all day at the British Open. All he saw was opportunity.

Hollywood puts box office on mute after shootings

Hollywood studios are aligning in a rare show of solidarity to give their weekend box-office reporting a rest because of the shootings in Colorado at a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Victims’ names emerge in theater shooting rampage

Identities of the victims of Friday’s movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., have emerged one by one after authorities told their families of their deaths.

Police say Colorado shooting suspect planned attack for months

The Colorado shooting suspect planned the rampage that killed 12 midnight moviegoers with “calculation and deliberation,” police said Saturday, receiving deliveries for months that authorities believe armed him for battle and were used to rig his apartment with dozens of bombs.

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