Fiasco in Seattle recalls all-time worst beats

Before offering an apology to fans on behalf of the NFL, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers described Monday’s officiating fiasco in Seattle as “awful.” It was more than that. It was a shocking and awe-inspiring saga for several reasons.

Membership for teachers union declines

Membership for the local teachers union has dropped by 800 people, reducing its numbers to 62 percent of Clark County public school teachers.

Heller, Berkley complain of lies in first debate

Republican U.S. Sen. Dean Heller and Democratic U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley clashed in a fierce debate Thursday night on everything from Medicare and the middle class to her ethics problems and immigration with both candidates accusing the other of lies and distortions.

Fugitive former Las Vegas prosecutor may be in Mexico

Fugitive former Paris Hilton prosecutor David Schubert may have fled to Mexico. Adding fuel to the belief Schubert is south of the border is a photograph of an empty beach posted to his Facebook page from a mobile device at about noon Thursday.

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