‘Gangnam Style’ most watched YouTube video ever

South Korean rapper PSY’s “Gangnam Style” has become YouTube’s most viewed video of all time. YouTube says in a posting on its Trends blog that “Gangnam Style” had been viewed 805 million times as of Saturday afternoon, surpassing Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” which has had 803 million views.

Modern school nurses administer medicine, advice and hugs

Las Vegas Day School parent Barbara Gaughan was scared and nervous. Her son, John, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 6 years old, and needed shots all day long.

Rolling Stones mark 50th year with London show

The Rolling Stones made a triumphant return to the London stage on Sunday night in the first of five concerts to mark the 50th anniversary of their debut as an American-oriented blues band.

For better mobility, strength, mix dead lifts into your routines

Once upon a time, dead lifts were called health lifts. That’s because they are one of the most functional movements out there. Practicing them and getting to a point where you can do them well brings huge benefits.

Feds: Teachers embroiled in test-taking fraud

It was a brazen and surprisingly long-lived scheme, authorities said, to help aspiring public school teachers cheat on the tests they must pass to prove they are qualified to lead their classrooms.

Outdoor activities around Southern Nevada

Red Rock Canyon: On Monday, watch the full moon rise on a moderate, two-mile night hike along First Creek. On Wednesday, look for wildflowers and wildlife on a moderate, 3.3-mile hike to the First Creek Grotto; for ages 12 and older. On Friday, bring a camera and a tripod to learn the basics of nature photography on a moderate, three-mile hike along La Madre Spring; for ages 12 and older. On Dec. 2, view the documentary “The Day the Earth Almost Died,” about the great Permian mass extinction, then go for a moderately strenuous, 2½-mile hike to Fossil Ridge; for ages 10 and older.

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