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Iron chelate bolsters leaves on lemon trees

Question: I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I now have many small lemons on it, which seem to be getting larger. My problem is that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color.

Pruning shade trees can cause future problems

Question: I have a modesto or Texas ash tree that was planted seven or eight years ago in my lawn. Do you think if I prune it back this winter that it would grow in to be fuller? If so, how much should I prune off?

Soil fungi good for plant root health

Question: What are your thoughts on mycorrhizae? I bought some a while back from T&J Enterprises out of Washington state, and the chiles seemed to do really well. Is it an aid or just my imagination?

Troublesome ground squirrel can dig up, eat tulips

Question: Yesterday, I found three deep, very round holes dug about 6 inches apart at the edge of my raised garden where I have had tulips planted for years. Dirt was kicked out, and baby tulip bulbs were scattered.