Red Rock gala to aid wounded veterans

Like the troops who serve the country, volunteers from the nonprofit Nevada Military Support Alliance serve soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen when they return from fighting the nation’s wars.

U.S. employers hiring; 165,000 jobs added, unemployment rate falls to 7.5 percent

WASHINGTON — U.S. employers added 165,000 jobs in April, and hiring was much stronger in the previous two months than the government first estimated. The job increases reduced the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to a four-year low of 7.5 percent.

Because Jamboree just begs for a gun show

Great place, Boulder City. It’s a town known for a lack of gambling in a state where casinos are cherished like medieval cathedrals.

Rolling Stones call on young singers

Rolling Stones fever has hit Green Valley High, with members of the school’s madrigal singers strutting their Jagger swagger.

Naval ROTC pays for college and guarantees a career following graduation

College students interested in the Navy can focus on their academic careers while eliminating much of the financial burden of paying for school. With more than 160 colleges and universities across the United States offering Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) programs, students have many opportunities to finish a degree without going into overwhelming debt and have a career as a Navy Officer ready and waiting upon graduation.

Transform garage sale castoffs into fun finds

As the warmer weather is upon us, it brings many new activities: baseball, picnics, beach time and – best of all – garage sales. People are purging what they don’t need or no longer want. It’s the perfect opportunity to turn their trash into your treasure. From outdated odds and ends to forgotten furniture, there is a wealth of worthy items just waiting to be found, re-imagined and re-purposed.

Three home improvement tips to help you breathe easier

A survey by Angie’s List revealed Americans spend more than $300 billion annually on remodeling projects. Yet these endeavors typically focus solely on a home’s aesthetics while ignoring one important consideration: Is your home healthy?

Warm-weather entertaining made easy with expert tips and recipes

Warmer temperatures often mean a busier social calendar. So whether you’re planning a meal to enjoy al fresco, or whipping up a sweet treat for a neighborhood block party, it’s a great time of year to experiment in the kitchen. But when you’re trying out a new recipe, do you hesitate when it calls for certain ingredients? Check out these expert tips to learn alternatives that taste great and are good for you too.

The sweet taste of spring

Spring has sprung, along with one of the sweetest treats of the season – fresh sweet corn. Over the last few years, fresh sweet corn has become a spring vegetable that’s just as highly anticipated by those in the know as the season’s first peas, asparagus, and radishes. Available nationwide, fresh sweet corn is harvested throughout the spring – good news for anyone who wants to get their hands on some today.

Fun ways to help kids ‘rock out’ to classical music

It’s hard to imagine, but there really was a time when classical music was the popular music of the day. Haydn, Beethoven and the boys were the “rock stars” of their time. If music fans wanted to hear the latest and greatest music, they ventured to the nearest church to drink in the sounds of these classical greats.

How to support your friend in a split

When a marriage ends in divorce, it’s not just the couple who is involved. Friends and family members are also part of the process and often play many different parts. Support can make a critical difference to your friend, but unfortunately, doesn’t come with how-to manual.

Save time and money with easy DIY auto maintenance tips

Vehicles are a big investment for families – usually the second highest valued item in a household after the home itself. While the purchase price for cars, trucks and SUVs keeps going up, the cost of maintenance is holding steady or even dropping for most vehicles. Better materials, sophisticated computers and other advances increase reliability and allow less frequent oil changes, tune-ups and other service.

Surprising ways older drivers can stay safer on the road

For baby boomers and beyond, a lot has changed since they first received their drivers’ license, from car technology and traffic rules, to even road conditions. Many older drivers are taking a proactive approach to staying safe on the road. Most wear a seat belt – 77 percent of drivers age 65 and older according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – and most obey the speed limit and avoid the road when conditions are bad. But a few surprising steps can help older drivers stay even safer.

Neon Nights: Vegas club pics, May 3

Among the sightings this week at Las Vegas clubs: Justice, Deadmau5, Sigfried and Roy, and Connor Cruise.