Americans, German-American win Nobel Prize in medicine

Two Americans and a German-American won the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for discovering how key substances are transported within cells, a process involved in such important activities as brain cell communication and the release of insulin.

‘Gravity’ soars to top of weekend box office

The Sandra Bullock-George Clooney space drama “Gravity” rocketed to the top of the box office and into industry record books during its opening weekend.

Kayenta looks like Red Rock with homes

If you have heard of a unique community 8 miles west of St. George called Kayenta, raise your hand. No? I thought so. Las Vegans keep giving me blank looks when I bring up Kayenta.

Outside the pill bottle: 5 simple, drug-free ways to reduce lower back pain

Pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the main reasons Americans miss work. For example, 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association, with experts estimating that as many as 80 percent of Americans will experience a back problem at some point in their lives. When dealing with back pain, think outside the pill bottle and discover five drug-free ways to feel better now.