Shale sites studied as possible alternative to Yucca Mountain

With Yucca Mountain now an afterthought for disposing the nation’s highly radioactive waste, one federal geologist says he might have other places to put it than the volcanic-rock ridge, 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

Military signs up for home schooling

A growing number of military parents want to end the age-old tradition of switching schools for their kids.

Cards can quell fading Falcons

Not long ago, the Atlanta Falcons were close to reaching the Super Bowl. Now, coach Mike Smith is overseeing a team that is a super-sized disappointment.

Inmate dies in Nevada prison; fourth death in October

Another inmate died in the Northern Nevada Correctional Center this week, the fourth inmate death in October at that state prison in Carson City.

Inspirational tone pushed at Life Is Beautiful’s first day

The feel-good tone was set early on the first day of the Life Is Beautiful festival, when a worker for an environmental awareness group administered high fives to the throng of attendees waiting in line to get in.

Private lawyer advising court on FBI investigation

High-profile labor lawyer Gregory Kamer has been advising District Court administrators behind the scenes regarding the FBI’s investigation into Family Court marshals.

Jay-Z asks for patience in Barneys flap

Jay-Z, under increasing pressure to back out of a collaboration with the luxury store Barneys New York after it was accused of racially profiling two black customers, said Saturday that he’s being unfairly “demonized” for just waiting to hear all the facts.

Sparks shooting sparks teacher’s push to honor slain educators

A Utah school teacher is trying to drum up support for a proposal to honor educators who die while protecting students, citing a Nevada teacher’s death in a school shooting this week.

Republicans hoping health care issues will provide boost to party

For nearly five years, Republicans have struggled to make a scandal stick to President Barack Obama’s White House. One by one, the controversies — with shorthand names such as Solyndra, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious — hit a fever pitch, then faded away.

Mojave Desert gunman’s life crumbled to bloody end

Sergio Munoz was known around this small desert city to acquaintances as a personable dad, and to police for his long rap sheet.

Georgia man guilty of killing eight in mobile home

A Georgia man was convicted of murder Friday in the beating deaths of his father and seven extended family members inside the cramped mobile they all shared, but he was spared a death sentence in a deal attorneys made to avoid a hung jury.

Free food handed to Las Vegas Valley’s needy

Dozens of Las Vegas Valley residents lined up at the Clark County Government Center amphitheater for an outdoor free food market Saturday morning.

Sandoval re-election campaign offers perks for cash

Gov. Brian Sandoval’s campaign is offering video chats and lunch with the Republican governor in exchange for monthly donations toward his re-election, a strategy it says is intended to entice smaller donors but one that critics say is in poor taste and could raise the notion of pay for play.

Thousands watch Nevada Day Parade in capital city

The sights and sounds of hot-air balloons floating over the capital, men in faux Arabian outfits driving tiny cars and the clip clop of horses’ feet on asphalt meant only one thing Saturday: It was the Nevada Day Parade in Cason City.

Thousands flee India flooding; 39 dead

Days of torrential rains have unleashed floods in southeast India that have killed dozens of people and forced the evacuation of more than 70,000 others from hundreds of low-lying villages.

Relentless Carroll, Seahawks best option on ugly card

In an era when so many NFL coaches seem drained of personality, it’s cool to see how Pete Carroll handles the Seattle Seahawks. He has a college-type enthusiasm and an ability to think outside the box.

FBI to investigate shooting of Calif. 13-year-old

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting an independent investigation of the fatal shooting of a popular 13-year-old boy by a sheriff’s deputy in Northern California.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car program may shift motorcycle rental market

Although motorcycle rental is a boutique attraction compared with the bright lights of the Strip, the chance to open the throttle in the open desert still draws a committed corps of tourists.

Arachnophobia? Not a problem for these pet owners

Tarantulas are the heaviest, hairiest, scariest spiders on the planet. They have fangs, claws and barbs. They can regrow body parts and be as big as dinner plates, and the females eat the males after mating. But there are many people who call these creepy critters a pet or a passion and insist their beauty is worth the risk of a bite.

Suburbs struggle with urban lifestyle

Las Vegas has embraced a higher-density urban lifestyle, if the hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to revitalizing downtown Las Vegas is any measure. But efforts to export the concept to the suburban fringe, even where the population is relatively dense, aren’t working as well.