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Nation and World

Jay-Z asks for patience in Barneys flap

Jay-Z, under increasing pressure to back out of a collaboration with the luxury store Barneys New York after it was accused of racially profiling two black customers, said Saturday that he’s being unfairly “demonized” for just waiting to hear all the facts.

Republicans hoping health care issues will provide boost to party

For nearly five years, Republicans have struggled to make a scandal stick to President Barack Obama’s White House. One by one, the controversies — with shorthand names such as Solyndra, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious — hit a fever pitch, then faded away.

Georgia man guilty of killing eight in mobile home

A Georgia man was convicted of murder Friday in the beating deaths of his father and seven extended family members inside the cramped mobile they all shared, but he was spared a death sentence in a deal attorneys made to avoid a hung jury.

Thousands flee India flooding; 39 dead

Days of torrential rains have unleashed floods in southeast India that have killed dozens of people and forced the evacuation of more than 70,000 others from hundreds of low-lying villages.

Arachnophobia? Not a problem for these pet owners

Tarantulas are the heaviest, hairiest, scariest spiders on the planet. They have fangs, claws and barbs. They can regrow body parts and be as big as dinner plates, and the females eat the males after mating. But there are many people who call these creepy critters a pet or a passion and insist their beauty is worth the risk of a bite.

Boeing’s 747 is an icon, but future is in doubt

For decades, the Boeing 747 was the Queen of the Skies. But the glamorous double-decker jumbo jet that revolutionized air travel and shrunk the globe could be nearing the end of the line.

Hundreds of North Dakota oil spills not publicized

North Dakota, the nation’s No. 2 oil producer behind Texas, recorded nearly 300 oil pipeline spills in less than two years, state documents show. None was reported to the public, officials said.

Slow recovery continues for thousands of Sandy victims

A year after Superstorm Sandy catastrophically flooded hundreds of miles of eastern U.S. coastline, thousands of people still trying to fix their soaked and surf-battered homes are being stymied by bureaucracy, insurance disputes and uncertainty over whether they can even afford to rebuild.