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Nation and World

Senate passes bill outlawing discrimination against gays

The Senate approved legislation outlawing workplace discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, demonstrating the nation’s quickly evolving attitude toward gay rights nearly two decades after Congress rejected same-sex marriage.

Texas school trashes student’s breakfast over 30 cents

A mother is asking a Texas school district for a policy change after her 12-year-old son’s breakfast was thrown in the trash because his account was 30 cents short.

Biden congratulates wrong guy in Boston mayor race

Vice President Joe Biden called the wrong Marty Walsh to congratulate him on winning the Boston mayoral race. Luckily Biden has a sense of humor.

Police stun stepdad attempting to save son from fire

The family of a 3-year-old killed in a northern Missouri house fire is outraged after police used a stun gun on the boy’s stepfather as he tried to run back in and save the child.

FBI after hacker whose software spied on cheating lovers

The FBI this week added to its list of most wanted cybercriminals a former San Diego college student who developed a program called “Loverspy” or “Email PI,” which would install malicious software that could capture emails and instant messages, even spy on someone using the victim’s own webcam.

Russian fireball shows meteor risk may be bigger

Scientists studying the terrifying meteor that exploded without warning over a Russian city last winter say the threat of space rocks smashing into Earth is bigger than they thought.

FDA to ban artery-clogging trans fats

Heart-clogging trans fats have been slowly disappearing from grocery aisles and restaurant menus in the last decade. Now, the Food and Drug Administration will require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats.

Wanna know what’s up with the mystery barges? Google it!

Ending weeks of speculation, Internet giant Google said it is exploring using two large barges — one in San Francisco Bay, another off Portland, Maine — as interactive learning centers.