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Nation and World

Chilling portrait emerges from Newtown police documents

Connecticut police released thousands of pages Friday from their investigation into the Newtown massacre, providing the most detailed and disturbing picture yet of the rampage and Adam Lanza’s fascination with murder, while also depicting school employees’ brave and clearheaded attempts to protect the children.

Job explosion: Demand for meth cleanups growing

Tens of thousands of houses have been used as meth labs the last decade and a cottage industry is developing around cleaning them up. Many Americans are more aware of the production of the highly addictive drug thanks to AMC’s hit show “Breaking Bad.”

‘Duck Dynasty,’ A&E make up after fan backlash

“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson will return to work on A&E’s reality show despite his comments about gay immorality, the channel said Friday, reversing its decision to suspend him after facing a backlash and threatened boycott.

Zimbabwe man fistfights crocodile to save child

State media in Zimbabwe says a villager fought a crocodile with his bare hands to free his son from its jaws in northeastern rural Mutoko.

Four dead, three injured after Louisiana shootings

A man embroiled in a custody fight with his ex-wife attacked his former in-laws, his onetime boss at a hospital that fired him and his current wife in a rampage that spanned two parishes in Louisiana, leaving three dead before killing himself, authorities said.

Obamacare numbers boggle the mind

0.0002. That’s the percentage of estimated online visitors to healthcare.gov who actually signed up for coverage the first day. Altogether, that’s six people out of just over 3 million.

Insurers give mixed reaction to ACA policy reversal

A month after President Barack Obama announced people could keep insurance policies slated for cancellation under the federal health overhaul, the reversal has gotten a mixed response from insurers, state regulators and consumers.