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Pastor defrocked for performing son’s gay wedding

The United Methodist church defrocked a pastor from central Pennsylvania on Thursday for violating doctrine by officiating his son’s gay marriage, leaving the minister shocked and upset that he could be punished for an “act of love.”

Survey: Christmas more cultural than religious holiday for many Americans

For a significant number of Americans, Christmas has largely lost its religious meaning, becoming an occasion focused instead on visiting family and friends and exchanging gifts, according to a new survey released Wednesday.

Time magazine names Pope Francis as Person of the Year

Time magazine selected Pope Francis as its Person of the Year on Wednesday, saying the Catholic Church’s new leader has changed the perception of the 2,000-year-old institution in an extraordinary way in a short time.

Thanksgiving in Las Vegas: From temple to ta-tas

Thanksgiving in Las Vegas is celebrated in a plethora of ways. The activities vary, but almost everybody does something.

Vatican puts bone fragments said to be St. Peter’s on public display

The Vatican unveiled a handful of bone fragments purportedly belonging to St. Peter on Sunday, reviving the scientific debate and tantalizing mystery over whether the relics found in a shoe box belong to the first pope.

Reno City Council asked to resume opening prayer

Religious leaders want the Reno City Council to once again begin their meetings with a prayer, a tradition that has been replaced with a moment of silence in recent years because of concerns about the constitutional separation of church and state.

Catholics celebrate school’s first anniversary

A procession of priests, nuns, Knights of Columbus and parishioners followed the bishop Sunday morning as he led them from Mass to the fledgling Catholic school next door.

Pope boots bishop after outcry over $42 million project

Pope Francis temporarily expelled a German bishop from his diocese on Wednesday because of a scandal over a$42 million project to build a new residence complex, but refused calls to remove him permanently.

Gender equality among issues at Mormon conference

An ongoing debate about the limited role of women within the Mormon faith will take its place alongside sermons and announcements during a weekend church conference that brings 100,000 members to Utah.

Mormon missionary count hits milestone of 75,000

The number of Mormon missionaries surpassed 75,000 worldwide in August, driven by the church’s decision to lower the minimum age for ambassadors of the Utah-based faith.

Pope shows rebel side, tells young to shake things up

RIO DE JANEIRO — Pope Francis showed his rebel side Thursday, urging young Catholics to shake up the church and make a “mess” in their dioceses by going out into the streets to spread the faith. It’s a message he put into practice by visiting one of Rio’s most violent slums and opening the church’s World Youth Day on a rain-soaked Copacabana Beach.