What if we made Hafen mayor for life?

A Henderson citizens committee rejected amending the city’s charter in a way that would have allowed longtime councilman and Mayor Andy Hafen to run for re-election again.

Trump says his Buffalo Bills bid unlikely to win

Donald Trump says he is unlikely to be the next owner of the Buffalo Bills because he’s “not going to do something totally stupid” to make the team his.

Massive brawl shuts down wedding reception

Authorities say a brawl involving dozens of guests broke out at a wedding reception in central New Jersey.

Uber driver arrested on sexual assault charge

District of Columbia police say detectives have arrested a man after a woman reported an Uber car service driver had sexually assaulted her.

3 CDs you need

3 recommended new CDs released this week

Las Vegas pimp gets life in beating death

A Clark County judge sentenced a pimp to life in prison without the possibility of parole Tuesday in the slaying of a 21-year-old woman.

35 percent of Americans facing debt collectors, study says

More than 35 percent of Americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been reported to collection agencies, according to a study released Tuesday by the Urban Institute.

Slimmed-down border bill has ‘sufficient support’ in House

House Republicans unveiled a slimmed-down bill Tuesday to address the immigration crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border by sending in National Guard troops and speeding migrant youths back home.

What to watch this week

Whether it be in a theater, on Blu-ray or streaming there’s plenty to watch this week. It just depends on your taste or maybe your mood.

Officer stabbed, man fatally shot in Henderson

A man was shot and killed after he stabbed a Henderson police officer early Tuesday morning, a department spokeswoman said.

Couple finds, returns tribute flag to Marine’s mom

A couple who discovered a tribute flag for a fallen Marine at a Texas flea market presented it to his mother Saturday, more than nine years after he was killed in Iraq.

Lakers hire Byron Scott as new coach

The Los Angeles Lakers confirmed Byron Scott is their new coach Monday night.

Reid strong-arms Latin Chamber

A funny thing happened to the Las Vegas Latin Chamber of Commerce on its way to a co-endorsement of Republican Mark Hutchison for lieutenant governor. That funny thing was Harry Reid.

Sales agent’s good turn yields a Hyundai purchase

Centennial Hyundai sales agent Rick Walker knows all about doing a favor for someone. Purchasing breakfast for a stranger at the Santa Fe Station Casino led to a car deal in July.

Ocean Spray worker killed in fall

A Las Vegas man fell to his death at the Ocean Spray facility in Henderson on Saturday.

‘Ninja Turtles’ poster pulled back amid 9/11 concerns

Paramount Pictures Australia hastily deleted a tweet promoting the new “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” on Monday after some pointed out that it seemed insensitive considering the movie’s 9/11 release date.

Deal reached on Northern Nevada land

A Northern Nevada wilderness and development bill left for dead earlier this year is getting new life in Congress.

Team USA looks to Durant for more than just scoring

The Oklahoma City Thunder star and USA Basketball veteran will be asked to lead — both on and off the court — as the Americans prepare for next month’s FIBA World Cup in Spain. Durant has won gold medals in the last two international competitions — the 2010 FIBA World Championships and the 2012 Olympics in London.

City’s nonunion employees get merit raises

Las Vegas City Manager Betsy Fretwell recently authorized merit increases or a one-time bonus for nonunion employees.

Hoffa, mafia legends could be on LV’s Mount Rushmore

Las Vegas, a city made famous by infamous men, has no statue honoring one of the most important figures in its history: Teamsters Union titan James Riddle Hoffa. Do you think it should?

Tame that ringing in your ears and rock on, boomers

Tinnitus, commonly called “ringing in the ears,” is the perception of a sound in a person’s ears or head that has no external source. Here’s what boomers need to know about hearing health.

10 incredibly simple ways to ease back-to-school stress

Helping your child ease into the school year sets them up to succeed both academically and socially. Consider these tips for a seamlessly transition from summer to back-to-school season.