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Say what? A guide to legislative language

Carson City has a language all its own. Here’s a handy guide to legislative terminology that will help you understand what’s going on in the capital.

What a difference 2 years makes in Nevada

Some things have changed considerably since the last Nevada Legislature convened. Here’s some of the things that are different as the 2015 session gets underway Monday.

No surprise that AG Laxalt joined immigration lawsuit

It’s no surprise Attorney General Adam Laxalt decided to join 25 other states suing the federal government over President Barack Obama’s most recent executive action on immigration.

Is it a tax? Or a fee?

If a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, would a tax by another name be as odious?

Nevada Legislature 2015 … by the numbers

There will be plenty of numbers thrown at you by the time the 2015 Legislature wraps up. Here’s a few to get you started.

Call this one the honey badger speech

If President Obama was humbled by the Republican sweep of 2014, he didn’t show it during Tuesday’s State of the Union speech.

Sandoval speech leaves Democrats with tough choice

For decades, Nevada Democrats have wanted to tax business revenue to better fund public schools. And, coincidentally, Nevada has a governor who wants to tax business revenue to better fund public schools.

Harry Reid’s still fighting

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a former boxer, is one tough old bird.

We’re all in the fight against fundamentalism

The murderous, terrorist attack Wednesday on the offices of French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, which claimed 12 lives, is but the latest example of certain extremist fundamentalist Muslims carrying out what they believe is a command of their religion to execute those who insult the Prophet Muhammad.

Moderate speaker survives leadership challenge

It looks like the moderate speaker survived a potential revolt from the conservative wing of the Republican caucus and will keep the gavel for the coming session.