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City of Cleveland says 12-year-old’s death his own fault

Pleading innocence, immunity and ignorance, the city of Cleveland responded to a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Tamir Rice’s family by saying the 12-year-old’s death was his own fault.

Ray Rice wants another chance at his football career

As disgraced running back Ray Rice seeks another shot to play in the NFL, he is attempting to put his domestic violence incident behind him and convince everyone else he is not a “monster.”

Tens of thousands march in memory of murdered Putin critic

Families, the old and young walked slowly, with many holding portraits of the opposition politician and former deputy prime minister who was shot dead while walking home from a nearby restaurant on Friday night.

Missing teens spotted on video near Turkey-Syria border

Images show the teens boarding a bus in Istanbul, Turkish HBR television reported. It’s the first sighting of the girls since they left London almost two weeks ago.

‘Focus’ tops off weekend box office charts

The film had been projected to earn between $21 million and $23 million, so cue breathless stories about whether or not Will Smith’s fastball has lost some heat.

American blogger hacked to death after criticizing religious extremism

Machete-wielding assailants hacked to death an American critic of religious extremism in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, in the latest of a series of attacks on writers who support freethinking values in the Muslim-majority nation.