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Jane Ann Morrison

No more taxpayer funds for Huntridge

Enough already. The time has come to stop pouring public dollars into reviving the Huntridge Theater. If some history buff wants to spend private dollars to restore the theater, hooray. But no more public money, please.

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske takes on breast cancer

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske didn’t have to go public with her recently diagnosed breast cancer. She’s not taking that much time off. But on Friday she sat with me at her home and explained why it was important to speak out and why she decided to stay in Las Vegas for treatment instead of leaving the state.

Fewer students now the norm in U.S. law schools

People ask what makes a worthy column for me. Often, it’s when I mutter, “Huh? I didn’t know that.”

Southern Nevada housing authority director has to go

Lame answers from bureaucrats are nothing new, but John Hill, executive director of the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority, provided some of the lamest to Review-Journal reporter Yesenia Amaro.

Mob Museum proving to be huge hit with tourists

The Mob Museum is proving it’s not the huge waste of tax dollars that skeptics foretold. It’s making money and visitors are coming in droves.