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Obama fails first; GOP candidates follow

The Syrian refugee debate has become a national embarrassment. It begins with a president, desperate to deflect attention from the collapse of his foreign policy, retreating to his one safe zone — ad hominem attacks on critics, this time for lack of compassion toward Syrian widows and orphans.

Laxalt’s mysterious state’s rights contortion

You’d think that Gov. Brian Sandoval would be happier now than he was before the 2014 election. But he’s fought so much with Republican lawmakers and state officers that he may be longing for the calmer days of divided government.

Beware of the ‘safe space’ movement

Longtime readers know I’m against the low-speed school zones that surround local campuses.

Obama abandons America’s long-held role

Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed virgins.

Clinton slams Sanders on taxes, but it could backfire

We knew this day would come. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has attacked her rival for the Democratic Party nomination for president, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., over his single-payer health care plan.

Republican debates: Character, substance and policy finally arrive

The Republican debate on CNBC last month was riveting, the way a train wreck is riveting — you can’t take your eyes off it. The Fox Business Network debate Tuesday was merely satisfying. A serious political discussion requires a bit more work, but it repays the effort.

Campaigning on faith in America

America is officially a secular nation, but religion is never very far from the surface in her politics. The Constitution is clear — the government will never establish an official state religion, it will never prohibit the free exercise of religion and it may never impose a religious test for public office.

GOP should beg for more CNBC-like debates

Where do Republicans get that special talent for turning gold to dross? They score an electoral “massacre” (The Economist) in 2014 and, a year later, what do they have to show for it other than another threat to shut down the government? Hillary Clinton is caught in email flagrante and Benghazi mendacity, and yet, with one Kevin McCarthy gaffe and a singularly ineffective 11-hour Benghazi hearing, Republicans render her sanitized.

Re-election battle brews in Pahrump

The announcement from Assemblyman James Oscarson, R-Pahrump, that he’s running for re-election reads like dozens of others emailed around this time of year.

Repealing any tax isn’t going to be easy

Instead of trying to repeal every single tax passed by the Nevada Legislature in 2015, a group of current and former elected officials decided they’d target only the new commerce tax.