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EDITORIAL: 2015 gave us plenty of mock-worthy events

Another year is in the books, and it wasn’t a good one for the cause of common sense. Political correctness, overreaction and alarmism continued their assault on our freedoms, to say nothing of our wallets and our mental health. As we dive into 2016, it’s worth recapping some of the most ridiculous stories of 2015. And, no, we’re not making any of this up.

EDITORIAL: Juvenile facility’s cost estimate beyond wasteful

Clark County government is in the market for a residence with 5,000 square feet, and officials want to spend $2.9 million of your money on the home for troubled juveniles. We should all be so fortunate to have such parameters in our own house hunts.

EDITORIAL: NCAA finally sees light on Las Vegas

The cliche states, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” However, it appears the NCAA is finally thirsty enough to consider sipping from the money well that is Las Vegas.

EDITORIAL: Federal workers get half-day off on Christmas Eve; taxpayers trudge on

Back before Thanksgiving, government employees petitioned President Barack Obama to declare the day after Thanksgiving a federal holiday. He didn’t, so they tried again, asking the president to close federal offices on Christmas Eve. This time, he compromised, giving them a half-day off with pay.

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