Kihuen knocks off Hardy, Rosen topples Tarkanian in congressional races

Democrats picked up two Nevada congressional seats on Tuesday, as state Sen. Ruben Kihuen defeated incumbent Republican Rep. Cresent Hardy in the 4th Congressional District, and Democrat Jacky Rosen defeated Republican Danny Tarkanian in the 3rd Congressional District.

Clark County voting turnout is mostly fair play — PHOTOS

Clark County voters turned out in strength this election season, with 62 percent of registered voters casting ballots. County spokesman Dan Kulin said things were mostly normal at polling places. But reports of poll worker intimidation surfaced at four valley high schools after polls closed.

Democratic Party set to regain control of state Assembly, Senate

Democrats who were swept from legislative majorities in the “Red Wave” of 2014 returned the favor Tuesday, winning back control of both the Senate and Assembly in the run-up to the 2017 legislative session.

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