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Nevada rallies push for increased renewable energy

Supporters of renewable energy rallied at both ends of the state Monday to support efforts in the Nevada Legislature this session to promote solar and other renewables as a way to help the environment, improve health and create jobs.

Debate rages on whether Nevada should pass Equal Rights Amendment

Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment failed three times in the Nevada Legislature in the 1970s but the measure has been resurrected and was heard Monday in a Senate committee.

Laxalt to address gathering of conservatives amid controversy over disinvited speaker

Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt will speak this week at the largest U.S. gathering of conservatives — an event that has been caught up in controversy when a speaking invitation was rescinded for Milo Yiannopolous following a release of a video.

Bill would mandate LGBTQ training for Nevada foster families, social workers

Foster parents and social workers would be trained in gender identity and understanding the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth under a bill heard Monday the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services.