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Home and Garden

Focus on functionality when redesigning closet

Dear Gail: I’m looking to redo my master closet as it’s still just the plain two-tier builder hanging racks. I haven’t decided between hiring a closet designer or doing it myself. There are so many options and products on the market now, I was just wondering if you have a few things I should consider either way. — Maya

Pomegranate resilient in desert, but watch overwatering

Q: A combination of overwatering and this heat caused my 9-year-old dwarf pomegranate leaves to yellow and drop on about a third of the plant. I turned off the water and hand watered it with small amounts of water. The only thing I did differently was to give the plants a small dose of Miracle-Gro in the spring. Any suggestions?

Fixing faulty light switch can get tricky

Q: At either end of my staircase I have a light switch that turns the staircase light on and off. The problem is that the switches don’t work correctly anymore. What can I do to fix this?

Rejuvenate your home with decorative florals

Give your abode a fresh makeover for summer with floral home decor in big and little ways. Get into the floral trend with an upholstered ottoman in a pretty pink petal print or go bold with a canvas pillow emblazoned with a bright begonia.

No quick fix for old irrigation system at condo community

Q: You emphasized it’s better to water longer rather than more often. But what if that’s not possible? Our small condo community has an old irrigation system with everything watered from the same lines. We irrigate for nearly 24 hours. Less than that and small plants really struggle. Is there anything we can do?

Free food preservation classes offered

Las Vegas is not known for home gardening, but recently there have been quiet changes in backyards across the valley. Shade tree and shrub sales are down, but sales of fruit tree and vegetable transplants are up.

Humidity of monsoon season can cause plant disease problems

This is the time of year we see a rise in humidity along with a threat from afternoon rains. This rise in humidity and high nighttime temperatures can also bring plant disease problems. You can do something now to prevent diseases before they occur.

Hard wire under-cabinet lights so cord won’t show

Q: Just off of my kitchen, I have a built-in desk with some cabinets hanging above it. I thought it would make a nice work area to pay bills, take phone calls, etc. I would like to install some under-cabinet lighting. There is an outlet under the cabinets, but I don’t want a plug-in light, and I certainly don’t want a cord to show. So, how do I go about installing the light?

Green living: Its impact on climate and health

Amidst a background of debate, the controversy over climate change and global warming continues to rage on with no clear winner in sight, despite the fact that researchers say that the deadly heat waves such as the one we’re experiencing now are going to grow more frequent.

Universal design makes homes accessible and pleasing

In our 40s, we’ve accepted the aches and pains that remind us we’re no longer 25. That said, the last thing we want to think about is how our health might look in our 60s and 70s, much less what living accommodations we might need to handle our changing physical abilities.

Higher priced potting soils are worth added expense

Q: Please settle a disagreement between my wife and me. Each spring my wife plants several plants in pots for our patio using bagged potting soil. Each year a few of them die and others live. This happened two years in a row. I contend the potting soils need to have some real dirt mixed in with it to make them better.