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Heller collected donations from company that championed his bill

Contributions from a Fortune 500 health care company flowed into the campaign coffers of Republican Sen. Dean Heller late last year after the Nevada lawmaker co-sponsored a bill championed by the firm, an analysis of public records show.

Nevada OKs $5.1M legal contract for Yucca Mountain fight

The state Board of Examiners approved the expenditure this week after the head of Nevada’s Nuclear Projects Agency said the state lacks the expertise in dealing with the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission to do the work itself.

Trump infrastructure plan could help widen stretch of I-15

President Donald Trump rolled out his plan to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure Monday — and it may run through Las Vegas.

BLM director in Nevada leaving for firefighting post

John Ruhs, the head of the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada, is leaving to become the bureau’s new director at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho.

EPA chief says he is disarming agency ‘weaponized’ by Obama

EPA chief Scott Pruitt said the Trump administration is “righting the wrongs” of President Barack Obama by reversing regulations designed to “weaponize” the agency and punish the fossil fuel industry.

Administration considers moving offices for public lands west

From its headquarters in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Bureau of Land Management oversees some of the nation’s most prized natural resources: vast expanses of public lands rich in oil, gas, coal, grazing for livestock, habitat for wildlife, hunting ranges, fishing streams and hiking trails.

Obscure federal rule erased apostrophes from place names

Something is clearly missing at such natural wonders as Angels Landing, Devils Hole and Dantes View, but unless you’re a grammar teacher or a copy editor you probably never noticed.