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Protesters removed after disrupting Kavanaugh hearing

About 30 protesters were shuffled out of a Senate committee room Monday because of vocal outbursts as lawmakers sought to conduct the first day of reviewing Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Gold Point ‘squatters’ may get to buy what they thought they owned

The Bureau of Land Management has announced plans to transfer ownership of the ghost town to Esmeralda County, ending a decadeslong property dispute that has prevented residents from getting clear title to the land.

Kavanaugh declines handshake with father of shooting victim

A man whose teenage daughter was killed in the Parkland, Florida, school shooting tried to shake the hand of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during a break in Tuesday’s confirmation hearing.

Nevada official to lead US-Mexico water treaty

Jayne Harkins, executive director of the Colorado River Commission of Nevada, will leave her post to lead the International Boundary and Water Commission for the United States and Mexico.

Jon Kyl to replace John McCain as Arizona senator

A former U.S. senator from Arizona who is now a lobbyist helping guide the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was named Tuesday to temporarily fill the Senate seat left open by the death of John McCain.