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CES 2024 takes place from Jan. 9-12, 2024 in Las Vegas. See below for news and full coverage of the event.

CES 2019: Smart speakers are changing consumer behavior

Fifty-three million American adults own a smart speaker, and the list is growing; the number of smart speakers in U.S. households jumped 78 percent in one year to 118.5 million in December 2018, according to Edison Research.

CES 2019: BreadBot, Foldimate, Hupnos must-see gadgets — VIDEO

A loaf of bread every six minutes? Among the hottest must-see demonstrations as CES 2019 opens on Tuesday is the BreadBot, which has taken years to develop. Foldimate and Hupnos are not household names yet, but wait til you see what they can do.

CES 2019: Apple takes a jab at rivals with billboard — VIDEO

A large billboard above Google’s outdoor pavilion reads, “What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone,” referencing controversies tied to data protection at Google, Facebook and other industry peers.