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Nation and World

New Orleans’ Times-Picayune bought by The Advocate

In 2012, The Times-Picayune was New Orleans’ Pulitzer-winning juggernaut of local journalism, employing hundreds in a sprawling building in the city and bureaus in surrounding parishes, while The Advocate was the smaller, staid family-owned paper 80 miles west in Baton Rouge.

Montana threatens to pull liquor licenses from exclusive club

Members like Bill Gates and Justin Timberlake might find it difficult to get a drink the next time they go skiing at the exclusive Yellowstone Club if state regulators follow through on their threat to pull several liquor licenses from the Montana resort.

Facebook bans Farrakhan, Alex Jones, other extremists

Facebook has banned Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones and others from its main service and from Instagram, saying they violated the company’s ban against hate and violence.

Military sexual assaults spike, but issue likely much bigger

Reports of military sexual assaults jumped by 13% last year, but an anonymous survey of service members released Thursday suggests the problem is vastly larger.

Alarmed states work to avoid vast undercount in 2020 census

In a squat office building not far from downtown, Esperanza Guevara is getting ready to look for people who might not want to be found. And her job could get a lot harder.

Storm over sexist writings forces out Trump’s choice for Fed

Conservative commentator Stephen Moore, President Donald Trump’s pick for the Federal Reserve, withdrew from consideration Thursday after losing Republican support in the Senate, largely over his past writings about women.

Assange refuses extradition to US; long legal fight expected

A defiant Julian Assange told a London court Thursday he will fight extradition to the United States to face charges of conspiring to hack into a Pentagon computer, arguing that his work as WikiLeaks founder has benefited the public.