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Iran leader asks US to end policy of ‘maximum pressure’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged the United States on Thursday to “cease this policy of maximum pressure” in favor of “dialogue, and logic and reason.”

Giant world around tiny star puts new spin on planet formation

Astronomers reported Thursday they’ve found a Jupiter-like planet orbiting a star that’s a mere 12% the mass of our sun. There may even be another big gas planet lurking in this system 31 light-years away.

Voters anxious, wary as Democrats pursue impeachment

In the days since the news that has propelled the impeachment debate, The Associated Press interviewed more than 50 voters across nine states, largely in congressional districts held by freshman Democrats on the front line of the fight.

Ukrainian leader upset with release of Trump phone call transcript

Ukraine’s president says his comments in a conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump shouldn’t have been publicly released, and is playing down Ukraine’s investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Nevada reps: Continue investigating whistleblower complaint

Nevada’s members of Congress said an investigation into a whistleblower’s allegations against President Trump should continue, as their colleagues grilled Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire about the matter Thursday.

UK lawmakers furious at Johnson for confrontational tone

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced a backlash from furious lawmakers Thursday over his use of charged and confrontational language in Parliament about opponents of his Brexit plan. The Speaker of the House of Commons warned that the country’s political culture had turned “toxic.”