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Reaction strong as Trump compares his impeachment to ‘lynching’

President Donald Trump injected racial overtones into the House impeachment inquiry Tuesday by comparing the Democratic-led investigation into his handling of U.S. policy toward Ukraine to a “lynching.” The highest-ranking African American in Congress warned Trump about making the comparison.

176K displaced by Turkey offensive into Syria; 150-hour deal reached

The talks between Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia’s Vladimir Putin are likely to be crucial in determining arrangements along the Syrian-Turkish border.

US troops leaving Syria for Iraq cannot stay, says military

U.S. troops leaving Syria and heading to neighboring Iraq do not have permission to stay in the country, Iraq’s military said Tuesday as American forces continued to pull out of northern Syria after Turkey’s invasion of the border region.

Fired Wisconsin school guard gets job back, says union

A Wisconsin school district is rehiring a black security guard after he was fired last week for repeating a racial slur while telling a student not to use it, a union official said Monday.

Lawmakers call diplomat’s account on Ukraine ‘disturbing’

Former U.S. Ambassador William Taylor detailed to lawmakers Tuesday the way President Donald Trump wanted to put the new Ukraine president “in a public box.”