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Joe Biden slams Trump on Iran policy in Sparks visit

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday blamed President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from a nuclear agreement with Iran for the current instability in the Middle East and touted his own foreign policy experience as a key reason he’s the Democrat with the best chance to unseat him in November.

California budget plan boosts teachers, those in US illegally

California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to give $20,000 stipends to teachers at high needs schools and extend health care to older low-income immigrants who are in the country illegally. He outlined the plans during an announcement Friday of his $329 billion budget proposal.

Pelosi says impeachment articles will go to Senate next week

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday the House will take steps next week to send articles of impeachment to the Senate ending Democrats’ blockade of President Donald Trump’s trial.

Queen moves to find solution to Harry, Meghan independence push

As Meghan flew back to Canada, where the couple spent a six-week Christmas break out of the public eye, Harry stayed in England, where the royal family sought to contain the crisis sparked by the couple’s decision to effectively quit as senior royals.

Iran says it ‘unintentionally’ shot down Ukrainian jetliner

Iran announced Saturday that its military “unintentionally” shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed earlier this week, killing all 176 aboard, after the government had repeatedly denied Western accusations that it was responsible.

Boeing employees slid 737 Max problems past FAA, documents show

The documents, made public Thursday by congressional investigators, are likely to fuel allegations that Boeing put speed and cost savings ahead of safety in rolling out the Max.

Australians flee homes as heat, winds escalate fire danger

The danger is centered on New South Wales and Victoria, Australia’s most populous states, where temperatures and winds spiked after a few days of relatively benign conditions.