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Damaged laptop renews Biden Ukraine questions

Material found on a laptop computer undercuts former Vice President Joe Biden’s insistence that he never spoke with his son about the Ukrainian energy firm that paid Hunter Biden some $50,000 per month, according to a story in the New York Post.

Trump Jr. campaigns for his father in Las Vegas

Donald Trump Jr. held a rally Wednesday in Las Vegas during which he lobbed one-liners at the news media, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and other targets while sprinkling in the occasional campaign talking point for his father’s re-election bid.

Democrats seem resigned to Barrett confirmation

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett appeared before a Senate confirmation hearing for a final day of questioning, where even opposition Democrats appeared resigned to the outcome of a successful nomination.

Heavy turnout across Texas, other states on 1st day of early voting

Early voting began Tuesday with long lines in Texas, one of the few places in the U.S. not allowing widespread mail balloting during the pandemic, and Jill Biden rallied supporters across the red state that Democrats are no longer writing off.