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40 ways to save for holiday shopping

Though gift-giving will still be a major part of the holiday season, it seems like everyone is looking for ways to spread cheer while saving money.

11 industries doing the most hiring

See which industries are bouncing back the quickest and adding thousands of jobs to the American economy.

25 tips for online car buying during the pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled virtually every major automaker to expand their online offerings to the point that you can now research, select, test drive, negotiate for and purchase virtually any new car without leaving your home. Here?s what to keep in mind when buying a car.

10 best stores Halloween costumes on the cheap

Like most everything else in 2020, Halloween is going to be a lot different. The one thing that won’t change is dressing up in costume — a time-honored tradition that’s still safe even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

15 jobs drastically different as the economy reopens

Even as the economy reopens in many places across the U.S., health and safety regulations have changed the landscape of the American workplace. Many jobs — such as event planning and catering — have been almost entirely wiped off the map. And for others, the way they function may never be the same.

Most expensive version of everything

For even for middle- and upper-middle-class Americans, there are some precious things that just are not generally attainable.

Worst things bosses made their employees do

There’s no shortage of bad bosses. Some aren’t meant to be supervisors. But some make conditions at work so unbearable, their employees would rather resign and live off their emergency funds.

Shopping choices: 15 times to splurge, settle or skip

Having a decision-making system to help you figure out these sorts of purchasing conundrums is a great way to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money and avoiding unnecessary expenditures.

100 moves to work smarter from home

Although many have now spent months working remotely, you might still be struggling to adjust to the new normal. And with many working from home for the foreseeable future, it’s not too late to take steps to optimize that experience.

26 home makeover ideas costing under $500

If your home is in need of a refresh, you might not want to spend thousands on a full kitchen remodel or bathroom renovation, but there are plenty of home improvements you can make without spending a fortune.

Moves to consider when you have more bills than paycheck

If your bills have gotten away from you, stop ignoring them. Gather your statements, go through your debt and write down who you owe, what you owe them and what interest rates you’re paying.

Making pricey restaurant meals at home for less

In order to turn a profit, many eateries sell their dishes at a serious markup, but you can make your own versions of many restaurant dishes at home

Weird things world’s top billionaires have in common

Aside from being extremely wealthy, many of the world’s 2,153 billionaires have some strange things in common — from their marital status to their astrological sign.

16 brilliant ways to get the best grocery store deals

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spend $4,363 on food eaten at home every year — which is roughly 6% of the average person’s pretax income.

Cash, other everyday things wiped out by COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has radically altered nearly every aspect of everyday life that people once took for granted. Activities and commodities that were standard just a handful of months ago have become scarce, if not impossible to access.

Tips on living comfortably on your Social Security check

Twenty-four percent of those aged 65 and over live in families that depend on Social Security benefits for 90% or more of their income, according to the AARP Public Policy Institute.

7 times when it is OK to raid your retirement fund

Taking an early withdrawal from your 401(k) is not only costly in the short term, but it can also jeopardize your long-term retirement goals.

15 most critical assets to increase your net worth

To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.

30 summertime money mistakes you’re probably making

You certainly don’t want to pay for those mistakes the rest of the year. So, to maintain your financial well-being while still enjoying summer, avoid making these money mistakes.

How elected officials have made millions by being in office

The salary for the president of the United States is $400,000, while the VP earns $230,700. Although that’s not chump change, some of the politicians who have held these esteemed positions have been able to parlay their time in the White House into millions.