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LETTER: Sad to see an athlete disrespect the flag

I was saddened and angered to see that there are athletes representing our country on the world stage of the Olympics who disrespect the American flag.

LETTER: Celebrating Old Glory

Commentary was a poignant account of the beauty and truth about the American flag.

LETTER: Critiquing critical race theory

Critical thinking, debating and dialoging all seem to be lost arts and are being replaced with canceling anyone who disagrees.

LETTER: Clueless cog

Removing defenses does nothing but embolden an enemy to attack.

LETTER: Britney speaks

I am pleased to see that Britney Spears has publicly spoken out against her conservatorship.

LETTER: Listen to the cops

Obeying the cops makes a difference during an arrest.

LETTER: Clark County should do an election audit

Michael McDonald, chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, recently suggested that Clark County should conduct an audit of the 2020 presidential election, similar to Maricopa County in Arizona. Why not?

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