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Kauai may charge tourists to park at crowded beaches

Officials want to study parking lots at crowded beach parks on the Hawaiian island of Kauai and explore the possibility of imposing fees on tourists’ vehicles.

Seattle hits 108, Portland sees 116 during record heat wave

Seattle saw 108 degrees Monday — well above Sunday’s all-time high of 104 F. Portland, Oregon, reached 116 after hitting records of 108 on Saturday and 112 on Sunday.

Portland sets highest temperature amid record Pacific Northwest heat wave

Forecasters say many Pacific Northwest communities may sweat through the hottest days in their histories as as temperatures soar during a heat wave that has sent residents scrambling for relief.

’Major’ damage before Florida condo collapse, report says

The report was among a series of documents released by the city of Surfside as rescuers continued to dig Saturday through rubble in an effort to find any of the 156 people who remain unaccounted for after the collapse. At least five people were killed.