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Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert living in Las Vegas and professor emeritus for the University of Nevada. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com. Send questions to Extremehort@aol.com.

Belligerent Bermudagrass tough to destroy

Question: I have a small fescue lawn that is being taken over by what appears to be Bermudagrass or some type of large-blade thick, dense grass that is much greener and thicker than the fescue grass.

Pluot gumming can be from borers, sunburn

Question: We planted a pluot this past spring along with four peach trees of different varieties. The pluot just started oozing sap or gumming on the lower truck.

Pine needles benefit alkaline soil

Question: We have nine pine trees, and they are dropping lots of needles. We have a large berm under the trees and water inside the berm twice weekly. Should the needles be removed or left inside the berm?

Grape maintenance must occur in May, March

Question: I have been growing grapes for seven years. Can you please tell me what is wrong with my vines? They are still producing grapes.

Garlic either soft or hard necked

Question: I’ve seen garlic at outdoor markets where the garlic is actually braided.

Carpenter bees can wreak havoc on mimosa tree

Question: My mother’s mimosa tree was fine May 24. Something has attacked it. I attached before-and-after photos, with close-ups of a couple of damaged areas.

Saguaro buckling caused by overwatering

Question: I saw your blog and was wondering if you would help us with a saguaro problem. We bought a healthy saguaro in December and transplanted it ourselves.

First four to six inches include worms in vermicomposting

Question: How do I separate the worms from my compost? I bought 1,000 worms from a worm farm online. They have multiplied into the zillions, but I don’t want to give them to my neighbors when I give away the compost. Is there an easy way to separate worms from compost?

Slime mold one of the good guys

Question: I found this “thing” under my Joshua tree this morning. It is about 6 inches long. Is it mold? I only water three times a week for five minutes.

Invasive plants can be controlled in desert environs

Question: I have a narrow area, and the Las Vegas nurseries have Japanese privet. However, I have read on various blogs that birds eat the berries, and they get dropped in other areas of the yard and gardens, sprouting up all over. They say it is considered an invasive species in many areas. Have you found this problem to be true, and if so, is there anything that can be done so that the plant will not produce berries?

Small-diameter fruit tree stem sets up for easier pruning

Question: I planted some bare root fruit trees earlier this year, and unfortunately, several did not survive. This was my fault because I didn’t get them planted right away, and the roots may have dried out. I want to replace them with container nursery stock.