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Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert living in Las Vegas and professor emeritus for the University of Nevada. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com. Send questions to Extremehort@aol.com.

Prune flowering shrubs just after a bloom

Question: When is it best to prune crape myrtle? I’ve heard before winter and again just before spring. The last two years, I trimmed back the branches (it is only about 5 feet tall) about one-third of the way in late February. What is right? We live in Aliante.

Indoor plants are a personal choice

Question: Can you recommend a good, small indoor tree for my living room that will grow almost up to the cathedral ceiling?

Trim yucca flower stalks quickly

Question: I have a Yucca that has finally matured enough to flower. Do I leave the flower stock on or cut it off once the flowers are dead?

Peach trees in containers tend to grow, grow, grow

Question: In March of this year I planted a 2-foot tree with few leaves. It now has grown to 4 feet with a wide spread of branches. It is planted in an 18-inch pot in the southeast section of my yard. Will this tree continue to grow in a container? If so, should I transplant it to a larger container? I grow citrus trees in containers and in the ground successfully. This is my first attempt to grow a peach tree.

BOB MORRIS: Pick hibiscus at its peak for herb tea

Question: I have a roselle hibiscus plant. I’m trying to make the Mexican agua de jamaica. It has grown well and has many flowers, but I am afraid I will lose it if I don’t harvest and dry it correctly. When do I harvest it, and how do I dry it?