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The recession took its toll on Las Vegas — but there were other elements

And at first glance, anyone who’d driven past the abandoned, beat-up office complex on Durango Drive at Hacienda Avenue the past few years might lump this with the rest, figuring it was just another rundown project that flopped with the economy. But this mess had nothing to do with the recession.

Proposed Raiders stadium site has storied history

The stadium for the Raiders, which would be backed by $750 million in taxpayer funds, isn’t the first project to get pitched for the Russell Road and Dean Martin Drive site.

Gaming regulators consistent with message to steer clear of pot business

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained how the Justice Department would address pot smoking, it sent a wave of trepidation through Nevada. But it was business as usual within the office of the state Gaming Control Board.

Home-purchase loans on the rise in Southern Nevada

Mortgage lenders may not be as slaphappy as they used to be, giving money to basically anyone who wanted a house. But in the past few years, with the economy mending and the housing market pulling itself out of the dumps, they’ve opened the vaults wider and wider.