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O.J. Simpson dies in Las Vegas at 76 after cancer battle

O.J. Simpson, the NFL great who was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife and her friend in one of the most notorious trials of the 20th century, and was later incarcerated in Nevada for an unrelated robbery, died of cancer.

Wildfires damage, destroy celebrity homes in California

Celebrities whose coastal homes have been damaged or destroyed in a Southern California wildfire or were forced to flee from the flames expressed sympathy and solidarity with less-famous people hurt worse by the state’s deadly blazes, and gave their gratitude to firefighters who kept them safe.

Accuser calls Bill Cosby ‘serial rapist’ during retrial

The first accuser to testify at Bill Cosby’s retrial described the comedian as “a serial rapist” Wednesday, stunning the courtroom as she parried with his lawyers.

Sisolak honored, praises duo for roles at Las Vegas shooting

Clark County Commissioner and Nevada gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak, an increasingly active and ubiquitous elected official, was honored Thursday night at the 26th annual Camelot gala at Opportunity Village’s Magical Forest on West Oakey Boulevard.

United Airlines incident ignites media uproar from Hollywood

The viral video of a man getting forcibly dragged out of his seat on a Uniter flight has ignited a social media uproar from Hollywood figures, media personalities, and Twitter users alike.