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Odom took steps to keep brothel visit secret

Love Ranch prostitutes are being offered big money to talk about Lamar Odom’s $75,000 brothel visit that nearly ended in a fatal drug overdose, but Odom had “all of them” sign confidentiality agreements, according to brothel owner Dennis Hof.

Ex-Clipper Matt Barnes shot down by Rihanna on Instagram

Matt Barnes might still be a bit dazed and confused after getting traded twice this summer. The ex-Los Angeles Clippers player is apparently under the illusion that he’s in a relationship with Rihanna.

Son: Tark’s toughness came from his mother

Jerry Tarkanian inherited tenacity from his mother, who witnessed the beheadings of her father and brother during the Armenian genocide, Danny Tarkanian told funeral attendees Monday.

Liddell trades gloves for dancing shoes

Throughout his career in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Chuck Liddell has been known as a frequent visitor to the trendy nightclubs in both Las Vegas and his native Southern California.