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Man sues Gwyneth Paltrow over Utah ski crash

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has been accused in a new lawsuit Tuesday of breaking a man’s ribs and leaving him with a concussion when she smashed into him from behind while skiing at a Utah ski resort in 2016.

No footage yet of alleged attack on ‘Empire’ star, police say

Chicago police say they’ve reviewed hundreds of hours of footage from downtown surveillance cameras but haven’t found footage yet of the alleged attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

Stan Lee getting superhero farewell at Hollywood memorial

A public remembrance and celebration of Stan Lee will be held around Lee’s hand and footprints outside the TCL Chinese Theatre, followed by a private gathering inside the theater.

Billy Idol rocks Pearl at the Palms; parties at On The Record

Saturday night in Las Vegas, Chris Rock and Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers hit the new speakeasy/club/cool hang On The Record after the Lady Gaga’s rollicking “Enigma” performance (when Bradley Cooper sauntered to the stage to sing “Shallow”).

Michael Jackson’s family calls documentary a ‘public lynching’

Michael Jackson’s family members said Monday that they are “furious” that two men who accuse him of sexually abusing them as boys have received renewed attention because of a new documentary about them

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