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Police in Illinois town now using body cameras

Police in central Illinois’ Rantoul are joining the growing number of law enforcers using body cameras — a technology that’s been gaining traction since the recent shooting death of a black 18-year-old by a suburban St. Louis officer who was not wearing one.

Murder charges against Egypt’s former president dropped

A judge dismissed murder charges Saturday against former President Hosni Mubarak and acquitted his security chief over the killing of protesters during Egypt’s 2011 uprising, crushing any hope of a judicial reckoning on behalf of the hundreds victims of the revolt that toppled him.

Here’s what the day after Brown protests looks like — PHOTOS

Violent protests broke out in Missouri following the grand jury’s decision not to indict a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed, black teenager on August 9, 2014. Check out the gallery of photos.

Home shooting may be murder-suicide gone awry, N.J. police say

A day after a shooting in New Jersey that left two children dead and their mother and brother in critical condition, police said on Friday it appeared to be a murder-suicide attempt gone awry.

Man who served 39 year prison sentence exonerated

A Cleveland judge dropped all charges on Wednesday against a man who has spent 39 years in prison for murder, making him the longest-held U.S. prisoner to be exonerated, an attorney for the Ohio Innocence Project said.

Police across US preparing for Ferguson decision, protests

From Boston to Los Angeles, police departments are bracing for large demonstrations when a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri.

Pa. sniper ambushed troopers to ‘wake people up’

Survivalist Eric Frein, charged with shooting two Pennsylvania state troopers, one of them fatally, who then eluded a 48-day manhunt by hiding in the woods told police after his capture that he ambushed the men because he “wanted to make a change” in government and “wake people up.”

1st Bitcoin securities fraud case emerges in US

The federal government on Thursday announced its first bitcoin securities fraud case, accusing a Texas man of engineering a Ponzi scheme by getting people to turn over their bitcoins in return for promises of high interest rates and the ability to recoup their investment at any time.

U.S. shuts down online drug market Silk Road 2.0

U.S. authorities said Thursday they have shut down the successor website to Silk Road, an underground online drug marketplace, and charged its alleged operator with conspiracy to commit drug trafficking, computer hacking, money laundering and other crimes.

53 million more email addresses taken in Home Depot breach

Home Depot Inc, the world’s largest home improvement chain, said about 53 million more email addresses were taken during a recent breach of its payment data systems.

Marion ‘Suge’ Knight pleads not guilty in robbery case

Suge Knight has pleaded not guilty to a robbery charge filed over an incident in which a celebrity photographer accused the Death Row Records founder of stealing her camera.