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Ed Graney

Ed Graney

Ed Graney is a sports columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, covering a variety of topics and the Las Vegas sports scene.
egraney@reviewjournal.com … @edgraney on Twitter. 702-383-4618

London Olympics short of iconic, but very good time

Seventeen days ago, before Usain Bolt again proved himself the planet’s fastest human, before a man with fiber legs competed against able-bodied athletes, before Michael Phelps won more medals than anyone in Olympic history and American gymnast Gabby Douglas made her own for a person of color, before more questions about doping arose and female badminton players brought disgrace to the games, the goal was to inspire generations.

Fans’ indifference doesn’t dull U.S. women’s success

When they speak of those who display greatness, of a state of superiority and possessing qualities better than all others, they rarely include any mention of regret. People shouldn’t have to apologize for being so good.

For runner, life in Sudan was survival of fittest

The distance between Sudan and Egypt is just over 1,000 miles, a journey that when followed by the path of the sun takes you along the River Nile past pyramids covered with sands of another time. It is excruciatingly hot. There is little vegetation. Just mile after mile of dunes and desert rock.

Howard rules London without even being here

Love them. Hate them. Care nothing about them. The Los Angeles Lakers are about winning championships, or at least offering a roster that will have an opportunity most seasons. They do again today.

Connor Fields finishes seventh in Olympic BMX final

He sat down to write in a journal Thursday evening, overlooking the Olympic village and envisioning his voyage to it. Connor Fields wanted more than anything else to grasp the moment and how so many played a part in delivering him here. His friends, his family, his coaches past and present.

World leaves U.S. behind in sprints

It has been described as the physical wearing out of a population and the deterioration of people that becomes a defining condition of their existence.

American spirit on display in women’s soccer victory

Greatness never has been an issue with women’s soccer in the United States, a side that most of the world has chased for 20 years now. Greatness wasn’t found in iconic Wembley Stadium on Thursday night. Resiliency was.

IOC constraints ruin breakthrough

The slower she ran, the farther she trailed, the louder the ovation grew, the bigger the moment became, the more opportunity presented itself to Sarah Attar.

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