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EDITORIAL: Secret agency

The more a government seeks refuge in secrecy, the less credibility it has with the people it serves. The longer a government refuses to answer basic questions about public business, the more suspicious taxpayers become.

EDITORIAL: Act of evil

Sunday’s ambush killing of two Las Vegas police officers and a brave civilian was an act of unrestrained evil and viciousness that’s nearly impossible to comprehend.

EDITORIAL: Euthanize exchange

Some good news for Nevada: Rancher Cliven Bundy’s views on race in America appear to have finally cycled through the national media. The bad news: Nevada’s failing Obamacare exchange is creating a new round of negative national press.

EDITORIAL: Bundy militias

There are plenty of second-hand accounts of armed militiamen patrolling the Bunkerville-Mesquite area of northeastern Clark County. According to these stories, the men are limiting the movements of regular folks who just want to get on with life after last month’s high-profile confrontation between the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and rancher Cliven Bundy.

EDITORIAL: Sage-grousing

The battle in Bunkerville over grazing fees and the purported need to protect the desert tortoise caught the nation’s attention last month. But no matter how that conflict is ultimately resolved, the impact will pale in comparison to the economic damage that will hit Nevada if the sage-grouse is designated a threatened or endangered species in northern and central parts of the state.

EDITORIAL: State would manage land better than BLM

If the U.S. Bureau of Land Management were a business, its Nevada executives would be fired. They’ve managed to lose money on vast assets capable of generating massive amounts of wealth.

EDITORIAL: BLM’s cattle battle ends — for now

The Bureau of Land Management finally made one prudent decision in its battle with rancher Cliven Bundy: withdrawing. The weeklong feud began with the BLM rounding up hundreds of Mr. Bundy’s cattle, and reached heightened tension levels by Saturday afternoon in a 20-minute standoff between armed ranchers and law enforcement officers.

EDITORIAL: Government land barons incompetent

The federal government’s incompetence in public land management has been obvious for decades. Far from protecting natural resources, many of Washington’s practices are killing off species and harming the environment. But that doesn’t stop agencies from regulating the public’s use of public land with a heavy hand while allowing costly federal failures to continue in perpetuity.